Former Mongolian President Nambaryn Enkhbayar Visits Ven. Jaseung > Jogye Order News

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English | Former Mongolian President Nambaryn Enkhbayar Visits Ven. Jaseung

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Author Jogye On13-11-25 17:29 Views19,239 Comments0


Former Mongolian President Nambaryn Enkhbayar Visits Ven. Jaseung
Nambaryn Enkhbayar, a former president of Mongolia visited Ven. Jaseung at the Jogye Order Administrative Building on October 24 to strengthen Buddhist cultural exchange between Mongol and Korea and to discuss further regarding possible future exchange.
Ven. Jaseung said, “The Jogye Order is providing active support to improve exchange between Mongolian and Korean Buddhist communities, especially through the formal invitation to annual Lotus Lantern festival. Moreover, various social support and cooperative programs are carrying on through Social Affairs Department of the Jogye Order Headquarters and the Friends on the Path Foundation, a social welfare program affiliated with the Jogye Order,.
Former President, Enkhbayar told Ven. Jaseung, “Most of the Buddhist scriptures are written in old Tibetan language, therefore it is very difficult for young people to understand the teachings of the Buddha. Improvement should be made to propagate Buddhism to the general public” and added, “Currently I am translating <Diamond Sutra> from Tibetan to Mongolian, which would be better fitting to the modern society.” The first print of the Diamond Sutra translated by the former president will be published within the next six months to a year.
Enkhbayar was elected as the president in year 2005 and completed his term of presidency in 2009. Former President, Enkhbayar has be recognized for his tireless effort to propagate Buddhism in Mongol and was awarded with Manhae Grand Prize in Buddhist Propagation.

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