English | ‘1,000 Hygienic Public-wells Campaign in Cambodia’ by Good Hands for Global
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Author Jogye On06-09-15 14:35 Views17,148 Comments0Related links
‘Good Hands for Global’, Chief of Ven. Weolju, expressed that Good Hands for Global had chosen ‘1,000 Hygienic Public-wells Digging’ movement in Kampot province, Cambodia as its one of major tasks. Good Hands for Global plans to collect contributions of 500,000 USD to cover the expense of 500 USD for each well. Good Hands for Global has completed 94 wells since late 2004, and supplied water to 21,000 villagers of 2,000 households under ‘Water Resource Development Project’. For reference, the population of Kampot is approximately 520,000 and 43.5% of total population drink water from stream or river directly. Kampot is regarded as one of the worst water-supply provinces in Cambodia.