Seon Poem | The Complete and Sudden Attainment of Buddhahood
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Author Jogye On15-10-08 10:07 Views10,115 Comments0Related links
The Complete and Sudden Attainment of Buddhahood
by National Master Bojo Jinul
At the peak's tip where there is no shadow,
the rivers do not flow.
The light from the sword which is radiant
like lightening reaches to the Pleiades.
Alone I walk through heaven
and earth without any companions.
The Buddhas and Patriarchs of the ten directions
do not talk with one another.
by National Master Bojo Jinul
At the peak's tip where there is no shadow,
the rivers do not flow.
The light from the sword which is radiant
like lightening reaches to the Pleiades.
Alone I walk through heaven
and earth without any companions.
The Buddhas and Patriarchs of the ten directions
do not talk with one another.