Seon Poem | Take a Good Look at Yourself
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Author Jogye On15-10-08 09:40 Views8,191 Comments0Related links
Take a Good Look at Yourself
by Ven. Songcheol
Take a good look at yourself.
You are already saved. You are originally Buddha.
You are overflowing with happiness and glory.
To talk of paradise or heaven is to be talking in your sleep.
Take a good look at yourself.
All truths are within you. To look for truth outside yourself is to search for water outside of the ocean.
Take a good look at yourself.
There is no death in eternity, but those who don't know themselves worry about death.
They fret about it and they dread it.
Take a good look at yourself.
The Buddha did not appear in this world to save us. He came to teach us that we are already saved,
originally saved. What a tremendous joy it is for us to live with this Truth, so let's all bless everything together!