Seon Poem | Gates
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Author Jogye On15-10-08 09:42 Views7,832 Comments0Related links
by Seon Master Ven. Seung Sahn
Open the gates -
All Buddhas and bodhisattvas,
All human beings and animals,
All hungry ghosts and demons,
All together dancing.
Close the gates -
All things high and low,
Big and small, holy and unholy,
Disappear, disappear.
Cannot find anything.
Good and that gate,
Dragon and snake,
Heaven and hell gate,
Appearing and disappearing gate,
Nirvana and Enlightenment gate.
Originally there is nothing.
How do you open and close?
by Seon Master Ven. Seung Sahn
Open the gates -
All Buddhas and bodhisattvas,
All human beings and animals,
All hungry ghosts and demons,
All together dancing.
Close the gates -
All things high and low,
Big and small, holy and unholy,
Disappear, disappear.
Cannot find anything.
Good and that gate,
Dragon and snake,
Heaven and hell gate,
Appearing and disappearing gate,
Nirvana and Enlightenment gate.
Originally there is nothing.
How do you open and close?