Writings of Korean Seon Masters | Tracing Back the Radiance Chinul’s Korean Way of Zen
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Author kjy2143 On05-11-24 19:56 Views26,337 Comments0Related links

"Buswell’s linguistic ability is commendable, as is his impressive understanding of Buddhist philosophy and unflagging commitment to historic accuracy." --Journal of Asian Studies
Jinul (1158-1210) was the founder of the Korean tradition of Zen. He provides one of the most lucid and accessible accounts of Zen practice and meditation to be found anywhere in East Asian literature. Tracing Back the Radiance, an abridgment of Buswell’s Korean Approach to Zen: The Collected Works of Chinul, combines an extensive introduction to Jinul’s life and thought with translations of three of his most representative works.
Robert E. Buswell, Jr., is professor of East Asian languages and cultures at the University of California, Los Angeles.