Special Statement by Most Venerable Jinje, Supreme Patriarch of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism to Overcome the National Crisis > Korean Zen

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Dharma Talk | Special Statement by Most Venerable Jinje, Supreme Patriarch of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism to Overcome the National Crisis

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Author Jogye On19-08-26 10:30 Views6,983 Comments0


Special Statement by Most Venerable Jinje, Supreme Patriarch of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism to Overcome the National Crisis

Ever since it reached the Korean Peninsula, Buddhism has always been right there with the people living on this land whenever they experienced misery, grief or distress.

When the Goryeo Dynasty was in peril from the Mongol hordes sweeping through Asia, Buddhist temples fervently set about carving wooden printing blocks for the entire Tripitaka Koreana to implore the divine assistance of the Buddha,

And when the country faced defeat by the invading Japanese army, Venerables Seosan, Samyeong and Cheoyoung led peace negotiation with Japan. I would like to now implore the President of the Jogye Order of Buddhism to be inspired by their examples and do his best to work with the Korea-China-Japan Buddhist Council.

To the politicians of Korea and Japan, antagonistic polarization and confrontation do not help anyone; we must realize how we are interdependent on each other and find the Middle Way to restore our true nature.

Buddhism is the last bastion of peace for all life forms and teaches great compassion for all based on the fundamental sameness of all beings which transcends all religious and national boundaries.

All Buddhists in Korea, China and Japan must unite in One Mind to pray sincerely and fervently, day and night, to bring about security and prosperity in Northeast Asia.

August 8, 2019 (B.E. 2563)


Supreme Patriarch

The Jogye Order of Korea Buddhism

(03144) 55, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of KoreaTEL : +82-2-2011-1830FAX: +82-2-735-0614E-MAIL: jokb@buddhism.or.kr